Michael Dalton McCarville

Michael Dalton McCarville

Michael McCarville holds an MPA in International Development from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He is interested in the nexus of International Development and Migration, specifically how governments and NGOs wield development assistance as a deterrent to migration and the human rights implications of doing so. His most recent publications, in partnership with Doctors Without Borders, include: Strength in Resilience: Assessing Critical Gaps in Care for Migrants and Asylum Seekers. Originally from Casa Grande, Arizona, he now lives in Washington, D.C.

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It’s Time to Stop Trying to “Fix” Migration and Lean Into It

By Michael Dalton McCarville

Although economic development in countries in Latin America is often viewed as a strategy for reducing immigration to the United States, research shows that foreign investments are not necessarily the most effective strategy for reducing migration. In fact, economic investment may even fuel migration. Instead, the US should increase opportunities for legal labor migration by increasing and diversifying the labor visas available each year. Doing so could help address labor shortages, while also ensuring the safety of migrants who may otherwise take dangerous routes into the country.